Solar Energy Solutions for Commercial and Industrial Customers

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Solar Installations to Fit Your Business

Optimized to meet your energy cost savings and sustainability objectives

Review the Value Proposition of Solar

The Solar Opportunity

With Utility Rates rising and Solar Costs at Historic Lows, You Can’t Afford To Ignore Solar

Let's Get Started


"Solscient Energy has been a terrific vendor / partner for Winnebago Industries as we rapidly deploy rooftop solar energy generation systems throughout the Midwest.

Solscient has installed 15 solar arrays on our plants, totaling 7.7 megawatts of production capacity, resulting in about 8.8 million kWh in clean energy being consumed at our production facilities each year.

We put a great deal of trust in Solscient and believe that they consistently deliver on their commitments. Some of our systems are nearly three years old and they have performed as projected and the energy cost savings have met or exceeded expectations".

- Nathan Pommier, Director - Environmental & Sustainability

"We have an extremely busy manufacturing operation, so we could not afford to have any disruption during the rooftop solar installation. Solscient promised to be invisible to our operations during the installation, and they kept their word. It was a seamless process. And now we are producing clean renewable power and generating energy cost savings".

-Bob Pettit, VP Support Operations

"We had a terrific experience with Solscient Energy on our rooftop solar installation, and I would highly recommend them for commercial projects. Communication was great and we felt that we were well informed throughout the process".

-Jan Oostland, Vice President & Co-Owner

Satisfied Solscient Customers

Solscient enjoys repeat business from important industry segments such automotive and the outdoor recreation industry

Why Solar?

CONTROL your electricity costs through the use of Solar Energy. REDUCE your current annual energy costs. REDUCE your energy cost volatility. FIX your electricity rate. MANAGE your peak load, demand, and capacity charges. CONTRIBUTE to the global shift towards sustainable energy resources.

FREE DOWNLOAD: Improving the Bottom Line With Solar - Solscient White Paper
  • How It Works

    The Solscient Energy Team will provide turn-key solar development, construction and financing services.

  • Environmental Benefits

    Clean. Green. Independent. A quiet solar revolution has begun.

  • Distributed Generation

    Distributed generation, providing low cost, clean power where you need it.

  • Check Out Our White Paper

    Download the Solscient Company's report and learn 5 ways Solar can improve your bottom line.

Solar Energy Services

Solscient provides turnkey solar energy solutions to its commercial and industrial customers, including design, engineering, construction, financing and operation of solar energy generation facilities.
  • Solar Can Reduce Electricity Costs

    The cost of PV solar has dropped to the level whereby solar produced electricity is below or at least competitive with utility supplied electricity in many markets.  For Time-Of- Use markets, solar is producing at the time of the highest pricing segment, thus offsetting the highest Energy Charges.

  • Solar Can Hedge Against Utility Cost Volatility

    Solar is uniquely able to offer fixed cost power over the 20-25 year lifetime of the equipment, due to the absence of variable fuel input costs.  Using solar enables a company to hedge against utility cost inflation and volatility and thereby improve certainty of financial results.

  • Renewable Energy is the Future

    Solar can contribute to achieving corporate sustainability goals. Customers are asking for environmentally responsible corporate practices, and insisting on measurable, tangible evidence of action. No longer are broad principles and platitudes enough.  

  • Solar Supports Energy Independence Goals

    Solar has immense potential for energy independence.  With the cost of storage, including battery technology, declining rapidly, the notion of off-grid energy independence is no longer a futuristic fantasy.


Statement of Qualifications

Want to know why we are the right team for the job? Download our printable Statement of Qualifications and learn about who we are and what we have achieved since 2010.

Solscient Case Study

Read about how Solscient analyzed a customers' commercial electricity consumption and utility tariff and designed and built a 550kW rooftop solar array to achieve energy cost savings and hedge against future energy cost volatility.

Commercial Solar Installation Project

Powered by Solscient.
Experience our solar installation through this drone video, shot at one of our client's sites.